Global Investigator II(13薪)

30-55K/月 上海-闵行区 5-10年 本科 全职3人 英语(熟练)

Global Investigator II(13薪)

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ENGLISH IS A MUST FOR THIS ROLE. Specific Duties and Accountabilities of the Job: 1. Judgment: Make Informed Judgments - Uses relevant business metrics, analyses, and reports to measure, monitor, and improve performance. Identifies and applies sound, fact-based criteria in setting priorities and making decisions. Looks beyond symptoms to determine the root causes of problems, and identify and implement applicable solutions. Integrates knowledge and expertise in making fact-based recommendations and decisions. 2. Customer/Member Centered: Ensure Customer/Member Centered Performance - Analyzes data and information, and develops plans to exceed customer/member expectations. Sponsors initiatives and practices that provide customers/members with desired products, services, and experiences and that grow the business. Ensures customers/members receive the level of service that builds their trust and confidence. Removes barriers to delivering customer/member value, service, and support. 3. Execution and Results: Ensure Execution and Achieve Results - Conveys a sense of urgency in ways that motivate others to complete responsibilities and achieve goals. Pursues the achievement and alignment of measurable and meaningful goals. Leverages resources and talent to achieve business goals. Ensures others are held accountable for achieving expected results. Prioritizes and balances time, actions, and projects to ensure accomplishment of results. Monitors progress of others and redirects efforts when goals change or results are not met. 4. Planning and Improvement: Ensure Planning and Improvement - Sets clear expectations, performance measures, and goals, and helps others do the same. Plans for and ensures others have the information, resources, implementation time, and talent needed to accomplish business initiatives. Identifies and plans for improvement in performance using key business metrics. 5. Influence and Communicate: Build and Influence Team - Develops and communicates logical, convincing reasons, including lessons learned, to build support for one's viewpoints and actions. Involves others in decisions and plans that affect them, when appropriate. Recognizes and rewards team accomplishments, celebrating team and organizational success. Ensures business priorities, change initiatives, and organizational information are communicated in clear and compelling ways. Promotes the exchange of diverse experiences and ideas within own organization. 6. Ethics and Compliance: Ensure Ethics and Compliance - Actively communicates, trains, and guides associates on compliance with policies and procedures. Maintains an environment that promotes and reinforces the highest standards of integrity and ethics. Anticipates potential issues and takes action to enhance compliance. 7. Adaptability: Adapt and Learn - Demonstrates creativity and strength in the face of change, obstacles, or adversity. Adapts to competing demands and shifting priorities. Updates knowledge and skills to handle new complexities, challenges, and responsibilities. Seeks exposure to new ideas and perspectives. Identifies and takes steps to improve adaptability and continuous learning capabilities in own organization. 8. Social Responsibility and Reputation: Strengthen Reputation and Local Involvement - Participates in and supports community events, and conducts business in a manner that creates and maintains a "good neighbor" image. Develops external relationships and partnerships to strengthen the reputation of the company. Serves as a credible and effective spokesperson and representative for the company. 9. Talent: Train and Develop Talent - Monitors associate performance and provides constructive feedback that is specific, honest, accurate, and timely. Manages roles, assignments, and developmental opportunities to maximize organizational performance. Provides learning opportunities, guidance, and support in the development of associates. 10. Build Relationships: Network Internally and Externally - Builds trusting, collaborative relationships and alliances with others, inside and outside of the organization. Relates to others in an accepting and respectful manner, regardless of their organizational level, personality, or background. Promotes a team-based work environment that respects, embraces, and values diversity in others. Knowledge/Skills/Abilities/Other Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, Business Administration, Political Science, or related field and 4 – 5 years investigative experience in casework/management, auditing, security, or related field 2. 8 years and above total working experience. 3. Multi-Lingual with proficiency in English and native language of assigned country. *WMGS doesn’t charge any recruitment or similar fee in the recruitment process including but not limited to interview, offering and onboarding.
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 上海-闵行区 宜山路2000号利丰广场2号楼
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
英语 深圳-福田区 本科 应届生
在线沟通 HR
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英语 上海-闵行区 本科 3-5年
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英语 上海-闵行区 本科 5-10年
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